General Medicine Case 1

This is an online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians signed informed consent. 

Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evident based input.  

Date of admission:8/12/2021

33 year old male came to the casuality with chief complaints of :

Abdominal distension since 2 months

B/L pedal edema since 2 months

Scrotal swelling since 2 months 


33 year old male got married 9 years back , separated from his wife and children since 5 years due to family issues . 

After separation with his wife  ,patient started taking half a bottle of whisky every day .

3 years back he had history of abdominal distension and pedal edema for which he visited local hospital and was diagnosed as liver disease and  used medication for a while and stopped  , he was diagnosed as diabetic back then and on treatment metformin.

Past history : 

He's a k/c/o DM -2 since 2 years and under treatment of Tab Metformin 500 mg 

K/c/o HFrEF since 6 months   , Chronic liver disease since 3 years 

Not a k/c/o tuberculosis , asthma ,epilepsy .

Personal history : 

Occupation - sells plants 

Diet - mixed 

Appetite - decreased since 5-6 days 

Sleep - decreased quality of sleep due to pain 

Bowel and bladder habits - regular 

Addictions  : smoking since 10 years 

Alcohol since  10 years

Family history : no significant family history 

General examination : 

 Mild icterus present 

Edema of feet - present 

Scrotal swelling + abdominal distension 

No H/O pallor , cyanosis , lymphadenopathy

Vitals : 

Temp - febrile (99.2 degree Fahrenheit)

PR - 112 bpm

RR - 22 cpm

BP - 110/70 mmHg 

SPO2 - 99 % at RA

GRBS - 175 mg/dl 

Systemic examination : 

RS :

BAE + , NVBS heard 

P/A : 

Abdomen - distended 

No tenderness 

No palpable mass 

No organomegaly 

No bruit hear

CNS - no focal neurological deficit present 

Diagnosis : 

HFrEF with Chronic Liver Disease with DM type -2 

Investigations : 

Hemogram :

HB - 13

TLC - 12,100

N/L/E/M - 67 /20/10/3

PCV - 37.8

PLt - 3.13

RBC - 4.81 


Urea - 31 

Creatinine - 0.7

Uric acid - 2.7

Calcium - 10 

Phosphorous - 3.8

Sodium - 130 

Potassium - 3.6

Chloride - 91 

LFT : 

TB - 7.26 

DB -4.21

AST - 26 

ALT - 17 

ALP - 560 

TP - 6.6 

Albumin - 3.6 

A/G ratio - 0.24 

Ultrasound : 

1.altered echotexture of liver with mild surface irregularity ?chronic liver disease 

2.Raised echogenicity of B/L kidneys 

3.Gall bladder wall edema 

4.Gross ascites

5.Skin and subcutaneous tissue shows edematous changes in the anterior abdominal wall diffusely 

Chest x-ray pa view 


Treatment : 

1.fluid restriction <1.5 l /day 

2.salt restriction <2.4 g/day

3.Tab Lasix 40 mg po/bd 

4.Tab Aldactone 50 mg po od 

5.Tab Met xl 12.5 mg po bd 


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