General Medicine case 6

This is an online E- log book to discuss our patient's de- identified health data shared informed after taking his/ her guardian's signed informed consent . Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This E- log book also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on comment box is welcome."

Date of admission:9/03/2022

Chief complaint:

A 24 year old male who is cattle by occupation came to odp with chief complaints of :

Decreased urine since 10 days

SOB since 10 days

Pedal edema since 10 days

Fever since 10 days

History of present illness:

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 3  years back. Then he developed decreased urine output for which he went to local hospital and scan was done which revealed hydronephrosis.

Ten days back he had a trauma to the left little finger and dorsum of right foot for which he went to local hospital and dressing was done .

10 days back he developed shortness  of breath which was insidious in onset and gradually progressive aggravated on walking relieved on medication .

Pedal edema since 10 days which was extending till ankle.

Fever since 10 days which was continous not associated with chills.

Past history:

No K/c/o  DM , HTN , asthma , epilepsy , BA ,TB, CAD.

No past surgical history.

Personal history:

Died -mixed


Bowel and bladder movements -normal 

General examination:

Patient is conscious,coherent,cooperative.

Family history:

No member of family have similar complaints .

BP-130/80 mm hg 

PR -88bpm regular

Cvs- s1 s2 +

Rs - BAE +

P/A-soft , non tender


1.Inj piptaz 4.5 gm IV STAT F/B inj . Piptaz 2.25 gm IV / QID 

2.inj clindamycin 600 mg /IV / tid

3.inj pan 40 mg IV /od

4.Tab nodosis 500 mg po/bd 

5.Tab shellac 550 mg  po / od

6.IVF NS and RL @ 100 ml / hr 

7.Inj lasix 40 mg IV / bd if bp is more than 110 mm of hg 

8.Tab alpha  - D3 

Provisional  Diagnosis:

Chronic kidney disease with 


Clinical Images:




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